Welcome to our studio we want your experience to be warm & wonderful. We aim to provide a friendly & welcoming dance studio offering a range of classes from jazz, tap, hip hop, contemporary, lyrical, acrobatics, classical ballet, imagine (
We are so excited to announce that we will be offering a brand new & exciting dance program for students aged 2-5yrs.
This program is unique & has been designed by dance educators to cater for the 2-5 year age group exploring movement, mine, music, magic, make-believe & much much more.
We welcome you to try your first class for free!
Click below to sign up for you first free trial lesson and receive a complimentary Dancepointe drink bottle.
Student’s trialling a lesson will only receive one free lesson in their chosen style then once a decision has been made you can enrol into your chosen class, we will then invoice termly for dance classes. Refunds will not be given for missed classes but we recommend make-up classes which means your child can attend other classes to make –up for the lessons missed.